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Our aim is to ensure the success of your hair transplant. For your convenience, we have prepared a comprehensive guide that outlines the necessary actions you need to take, along with what needs to be avoided, step-by-step hair-washing guidelines, sleeping instructions, and what to expect in the coming months after the procedure.


General Rest And Recovery Instructions

Take post-operation medication as instructed.

  • Keflex 500 mg orally-two times daily x 7 days

  • Tylenol 500 mg- Take one tablet every 4-6 hours as needed

  • Prednisone 20 mg- orally once daily x 3 days

  • Aspirin 325 mg- orally once daily x 7 days

  • Two days after the procedure, please mist your head 2-3 times daily with Sterile Saline Spray for one week

  • Drink water and avoid salty foods.

  • Ensure proper rest and recovery.

  • Start taking American Mane Men's Hair Supplements immediately after your procedure.


During the first week following your surgery, it's important to avoid allowing the grafts to touch the bed or pillow. Sleeping in a reclined position is necessary for the first seven days and can be achieved by using additional pillows and rolling a towel under your neck to prevent turning.

We also recommend continuing to use a neck pillow for at least one week post-surgery to maintain your head's elevated position during sleep. This will help to minimize any discomfort and protect the newly implanted hair. After 7 days you can sleep in a normal position.


After the transplant, please refrain from washing your head until 2 days post-op. On day 2, you may wash your head.

For the next 15 days, please follow the washing instructions provided. If all scabs have disappeared after 15 days, you can resume regular hair washing and discontinue using the foam. However, if you still have scabs, continue using our products until they have fallen off. It is normal to observe broken pieces of hair attached to the scabs; these are not your follicles. After 15 days, you should not see any scabs on your head.


PLEASE NOTE: Do not wash your hair under a direct water stream until all the scabs have fallen. The process must be done gently and without pressure.


For applying the foam, apply it only to the recipient area during the first week. In the second week, apply it to both the donor and recipient areas gently. Follow the hair growth direction, use only a few drops, and let it sit for an hour before rinsing it off. Keeping the skin moisturized and soft will enhance the regeneration of cells and the healing process of scabs.


When applying shampoo, use room temperature water only. Foam up the liquid in your hands first, and then run your hands softly through your hair. Avoid scrubbing, rubbing, or using excessive force. Rinse slowly using a bowl or cup. Do not use a towel to dry; instead, you may use a blow dryer on the cold setting after one month.


To ensure a successful recovery from your hair transplant procedure, it's important to follow post-procedure care instructions carefully. Here are some things to avoid until you've healed:

Two days

  • Do not touch/scratch the grafts. Do not use water on your head. Sleep in a reclined position. Do not bend your head down.

One week:

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol. Do not engage in sexual activities. Follow sleeping instructions.

  • Do not wear a hat, head covering, or anything with direct contact with your head. If you must wear a hat, use only the one provided to you by the clinic but not before seven days from the transplant date.

Two weeks:

  • Avoid any aerobic activities such as running and sweating.

One month:

  • Avoid playing basketball, tennis, soccer, football, etc.

  • Avoid using hats and helmets.

  • Avoid any strenuous activities such as; bodybuilding workouts or heavy lifting.

  • Do not cut your hair with a razor. Use scissors for the transplant area and machine number two only in the donor area

  • Do not swim for the first month after the procedure.

  • Do not get into saunas, steam baths, Turkish baths, or solariums.

Two months:

You can swim indoors and outdoors but try to use a hat to cover the direct sun.

Six months:

  • You can color both donor and transplanted areas.

  • By avoiding these activities, you will give your scalp the proper time it needs to heal and promote successful hair growth.


During the hair transplant procedure, you won't feel any pain, but you may experience swelling, itching, and burning sensations afterward. If you do experience symptoms, here's what you can do:

  • Swelling: Use ice to reduce swelling around your face and eyes. If needed, apply a cool pack on your forehead (not on the grafts) for 10 minutes. It should go away within five days.

  • Itching/Dryness: Apply aloe vera or saline water to the donor area to help soothe it—avoid scratching! You may begin applying aloe vera gel to the transplanted only after all the scabs have fallen off. 

  • Burning: Apply lotion several times a day to relieve the burning sensation.

  • Shock loss: New hair implanted will fall out after 2 to 8 weeks, this is a normal process. The hair stem cells remain in the skin and after 5-6 months the new hairs will start growing.


Here's what you can expect after your hair transplant:

  • Day 1: If we recommend using a headband for swelling, keep it on for three days, including at night, as much as possible, except when washing your head. Avoid losing grafts.

  • Days 3-5: Follow all instructions and avoid touching the grafts.

  • Days 5-7: Shedding of the transplanted hair is normal.

  • Days 7-30: Continue following the recommended steps to look normal again.

  • 1-3 months: Shock hair loss occurs, but new hairs will start growing.

  • 4-6 months: The transplanted hair will progress into the hair growth phase.

  • 6-12 months: Your transplanted hair will have completed 80-90% of the growth process.

  • 12-18 months: Final results will be thick, long, and entirely natural.

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