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What is Verteporfin and how can be combined with hair transplants?

Updated: Jul 25

A recent study was published in April 2022. Researchers at Stanford University studied the drug Verteporfin, which is FDA-approved for treating eye disease. They aim to remove the scars. For effective scar treatment, you need to maintain the structure of the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and dermis appendages. The researchers anesthetized surgical wounds on mice and immediately treated the incisions with Verteporfin. The results were astonishing. The incision leaves no scars and each site regrows hair follicles. A typical scar has no hair follicles. So how will this affect the hair transplant industry? Read on. Verteporfin works by blocking the Engrailed-1 fibroblast pathway. The Engrailed-1 pathway signals a functional cellular response to the wound, resulting in the development of scar tissue. By blocking the Engrailed-1 pathway, the researchers found that skin wounds no longer leave scars. Wounds are healed by regeneration, and hair follicles, glands, and extracellular matrix are completely regenerated. By inhibiting Engrailed-1 signaling, the wound heals without scarring and with all skin appendages. At least that's what research shows.

Research is in its infancy. We cannot say for sure if it will work in humans. The study was done in mice, although it's clear that inhibiting the pathways that signal fibroblast growth is the best way to treat scarring. This research could have enormous implications for cosmetic medicine and surgery worldwide. To date, no one has tested verteporfin on the scalp. Current research shows that it can regenerate damaged hair follicles, but there is no evidence that it can regenerate hair follicles that DHT has shrunk. Now Verteporfin is not capable of significantly treating male pattern baldness. However, combined with surgical hair restoration, it can effectively cure hair loss as we know it. Supposedly verteporfin could inhibit wound healing after hair transplantation. In this case, it can regenerate the structure of the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and extracellular matrix - this means that every hair follicle removed from the scalp regenerates, leaving the donor area. intact. If surgeons can repeat this many times, hair transplant surgeons can remove enough hair to completely restore hair loss, with as much hair as the patient wants. Indeed, it will cure hair loss as we know it. 

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