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American Mane

5 roots that cause hair loss.

We know that life is hard and you are running all day long. Many things you do on daily basis can be affecting your life and could be the reason you are losing hair. This is why on American Mane we focus on your health and habits before doing a procedure.

  1. One of the most common roots is your Hormones; an imbalance of high testosterone, cortisol, or low thyroid hormone can cause the follicle to shrink and eventually close. The good thing is that with regulation, most hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances is reversible.

  2. Lifestyle is the second most important.  The products you use and the stress you have in your regular life can influence and increase your hair loss. Introducing toxins into your body can influence hair follicles to deplete antioxidant stores.

  3. Aging: As you age, the scalp loses collagen and elastin. Nearly everyone has some hair loss with aging. The thick hair of a young adult becomes thin and the hair follicles become smaller with less pigment.

  1. Your metabolism provides the energy needed to stimulate your hair growth. When your metabolism slows, your body may invest more energy trying to keep vital functions going rather than maintaining healthy hair. By switching your metabolism, your hair follicle stem cell can prolong life and state in response to the low oxygen in the tissue.

  2. From your diet to what type of products you consume, nutrition is a key factor. Good nutrients support hair follicles to build fibers and textures while supporting their health. Without proper nutrient absorption, hair follicles don't get the nutrition needed to grow.

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